Kinnections Community Care

Healthy Caregiving Can’t Be Done Alone 

Contact us for a free Care Consultation!


Kinnections respite supports can partner with you to strengthen your family. Respite services are often used by families who have children and or youth with disabilities or specialized needs. Respite supports are also requested on behalf of adults who need extra support ⁠–for example, adults with a health issue, dependent adults, or senior adults. 



Some people simply require a little extra support to remain in their homes. Kinnections Personal Care services can provide adults with light housekeeping, home care supports, medication administration, and companionship, to name a few. Kinnections can partner you with services to keep life running smoothly.  

Elder Care


Often, elders require a little extra support to remain safely in their homes. Kinnections Elder Care services can provide seniors with light housekeeping, home care supports, medication administration, companionship, and services needed to maintain independence and safety. Kinnections works with your family to respectfully support your elder family member. 

How are Referrals Made? 

When you need help, you can simply call in to talk with a Kinnections Intake worker. Kinnections also accepts referrals and bookings from individuals in need or their family members.  

Please call Kinnections directly to see how we can assist you in your service request.  

Kinnections also accepts referrals from Disability Services or Alberta Health Services. To see if you qualify for external services, please contact them directly:

780-427-4354 (Edmonton Disabilities)

403-340-5000 (Central Region Disabilities)

403-341-2100 (Alberta Health Services)